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External Transport

    Gegevens Kind (Child data)

    Naam kind (Child name)*

    Sport / Muziek Vereniging (Sports / Music Association)*

    Lesdag (Lesson day)*

    Starttijd les (Start time lesson)*

    Aanwezig zijn om (Being present at)*

    BSO BOON brengt enkel uw kind(eren) naar de externe sportles, u moet zelf zorgdragen voor het ophalen.

    Gegevens Ouder (Data Parent)

    Ouders/verzorger (Parents/ Caretaker)*

    Email ouder(s)/ verzorger(s) (Email Parents/ Caretaker)*

    Telefoon ouder(s)/ verzorger(s) (Phone Parents/ Caretaker)*

    Naam Contractant (Contractor name)*

    Akkoord door ouder verzorger (Agree by parent caretaker)

    Het is aanvrager bekend dat deze aanvraag pas verwerkt kan worden als het formulier compleet is ingevuld en aan de bij BSO BOON geldende spelregels is voldaan. Indien akkoord dan ontvangt verzoeker een e-mail ter bevestiging. Aanvrager verklaart onherroepelijk dat zij/hij gemachtigd is deze aanvraag te doen. (The applicant is aware that this application can only be processed if the form has been completed and the game rules applicable at BSO BOON have been complied with. If agreed, the applicant receives an e-mail for confirmation. Applicant irrevocably declares that he / she is authorized to make this application.)

    Velden met een sterretje* zijn verplicht! (Fields with an asterisk * are mandatory!)

    BSO BOON ESCAPADE, Escapade 9, 1183 NM Amstelveen, Telefoon: 020-4721300,,, KvK:33098423, IBAN:NL61RABO0101381611, BTW:0014.50.712.B01, BSO BOON Amstelveen is een onderdeel van Sportondersteuning Nederland B.V.

    BSO BOON can bring children to the following sports clubs:

    From BOON ESCAPADE:  RKAVIC / HIC / Health City
    BSO BOON offers the following services to other sports and music lessons:

    • Occasional transport – transportation costs:
      • External transport PER RIDE: € 10.00.
    • Regular transport – transport costs:
    • External transport structural PER RIDE € 9.00.

    You are allowed to cancel up to 5 times per school year; otherwise you will be charged as normal.
    If your child and his/her friends go to a sports or music lesson as a group, we can offer special rates.

    • However, sports or music lessons must take place within Amstelveen.
    • The earliest time your child can attend a sports or music lesson is 5 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays. On Wednesdays and Fridays, this time is 1.30 p.m.

    The following conditions also apply:

    • Despite the above-mentioned rules, BSO BOON can only offer additional transport if this can be fitted in. Therefore, registering your child is not a guarantee that we can provide transport.
    • BOON must receive your application at least 10 days in advance.
    • Requested transport can be cancelled free of charge up to 48 hours in advance. If you cancel after this period, you will be invoiced.
    • BOON will confirm the request in writing if your request can be met.