You can visit us without
obligation to request.
If you are already convinced
you can also direct your child
register with us. Then follows
the introductory meeting and
the tour together with your child.
>request a guided tour…
If you and your friends go to sports or music lessons together, we have special rates.
We offer external transport to sports facilities within the municipal boundary of Amstelveen.
Escapade 9
1183 NM Amstelveen
Tel. 020-4721300
E-mail: info@bsoboon.nl
Internet: www.bsoboon.nl
RLRK nr.: 163500320
Our office is open daily from 9:30 am
to open at 5:00 PM. Visits exclusively
by appointment.
© 2023 BSO BOON Naschoolse opvang Amstelveen | Studiohoofddorp